Movement is physical transformation.
Movement is healing.
Movement is life.

Movement is becoming honey
falling upwards from a spoon
as our bodies peel from the ground
attempting to feel the ceiling.

Movement is also a gathering,
coming together in our collective experience
to reconnect with our shared humanity,
becoming healing light.

Movement is our hearts,
our lungs and muscles,
and the blood, tears and sweat
that you and I share.

Movement is reflection,
emotion, thought & sensation.

Movement is


and Growing

Mateo G. Torres

Mateo G. Torres is a Colombian-Canadian multidisciplinary dance artist, choreographer, interpreter, educator, facilitator and producer based in Toronto. He started his dance training in Bogota at an early age, and deepened his studies in the USA, Cuba, and Canada. As an interpreter, he has worked with a wide array of directors and choreographers, for live theatre, voice over and film. Mateo has performed in Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Germany, Mexico, and Panama. As an educator, he has taught in multiple schools and studios across Canada. Most recently, Mateo became faculty at the Dance Arts Institute, teaching dance technique, partnering and body conditioning. Mateo is a certified barre fitness and Pilates instructor. As a choreographer and creator, he has presented work in many Canadian cities including Montreal, Toronto and St John’s. His most recent work I:POLITICAL was presented by Citadel+Compagnie in 2021. Mateo’s work is highly influenced by his Latin American background, often politically charged, and inspired by social subject matters. He fuses his eclectic movement background creating a distinct movement quality. On top of producing his own choreographic work, Mateo has helped shape works by different choreographers and companies such as Kaeja d’Dance, Michael Caldwell, Chimera Dance Theatre, and Citadelle + Compagnie.

Mateo is the founder of GUETCHA GUARITCHA, a dance performance company, whose call is “to find our essential truth, to connect with it, honour it, and to express ourselves from it”.

Grounding | Growing

Mateo believes in the practice of Grounding and Growing, often incorporating these sentiments in his classes, guiding his students toward achieving both.

The “GG” in GG Movement comes from Mateo’s artistic identity “Guetcha Guaritcha”. The words Guetcha and Guaritcha come from the Mhuysca language of the Chibchas indigenous people. Guetcha means "warrior man, guardian of the frontiers" and Guaritcha means "beautiful young woman"